Parasite Selfie

Virtual collaboration between Victoria Papagni (ARG) and tobibienz (CH) in the frame of the Virtual Residency YET TO.COM(E). This residence arises from developing a specific project of the current pandemic situation and the possibilities of communication, collaboration and creative practices offered by the new digital media.

Becoming. Always becoming. A parasite, a vermin, a cockroach. Becoming. A selfie, a number, an algorithm, 00101100111, a 3D bio-material. Overcome the human aspect. Overcome the past. Overcome the future. A human, non-human critter collaboration? A naive low tech romance.

How would you collaborate with a cockroach? We want you, sexy cockroach.

Objects, insects and humans make up an horizontal trilogy composed at the same level: They interact with agency and mutual affectation, modelling human subjectivity in a synthetic pop landscape. Can we empathise with what is considered a symbol of marginalisation and unpleasantry? Who is the parasite?

The work is a physical, haptic research of a posthuman analysis of the power structures and relationships of the triangle: human – cockroach – (digital) object.

Victoria Papagni is a visual artist, based in Buenos Aires. Victoria and tobibienz started their collaboration within the virtual residency yet to .com(e), initiated by reconnect festival (USA), lodo plataforma (ARG), espace croisé (FR) & workittout (DE/CH).

Parasite Selfie Video  
Passwort: parasiteselfie

Title: Parasite Selfie
Form: Audiovisual work
Duration: 7 min
Venue: Reconnect Festival (USA, Argentina, France, Germany, Switzerland), +code Festival (Argentina), Bagno Popolare, Baden (Switzerland), HotmailHotnail Nail Art Studio, Zurich (Switzerland)
Date: April 2021

Work by: Victoria Papagni and tobibienz
Performance: Cockroaches & tobibienz
Camera: Tim Wettstein
Photo: Tim Wettstein, Hannah Gottschalk
Make-Up & Hair: Jeanne-Vera Bourguignon
3D Art: Victoria Papagni
3D Print: Duy Bui
Sound: YOTO
Nailart: Ivana Milenkovic #hotmailhotnail