
Since 2013, Brian has been commercially and politically exploited by various media under the pseudonym “Carlos”. The mostly one-sided media coverage has contributed to the escalation, which has led to Brian being trapped in a permanent loop of violence and repression under conditions that violate human rights.

Brian’s voice is not heard because he is excluded from public life in solitary confinement. His case, however, cannot be viewed in isolation. He reveals profoundly inhumane and discriminatory and racist structures within our legal system. Brian is not an individual fate, but his story concerns us all. We cannot remain silent about it.

#BigDreams is on a mission to publicly negotiate these abusive behaviours. We are a diverse group of activists, experts, scientists and artists. Our presence around the process is the prologue of a far-reaching confrontation with structural disproportions in our democracy.

With the critical news ticker, we frame the coverage of Brian’s trial with an intersectional view and also say out loud what is not being said. We look.

On Instagram, Brian himself is speaking out. He has a story to tell and no longer just wants to listen to others talk about him. Follow Brian!

The project is ongoing and the aim of the project is to bring a different narrative into mass media and to change Brian’s situation (to end the torture of isolation imprisonment). It is already a huge success, besides the profound networking with experts, such as Nils Melzer (UN Special Rapporteur on Torture), UN Expert Group for Imprisoned People of African Descent, David Mühlemann (humanrights.ch), Brigitte Hürlimann (journalist, Republik), Mo Wa Baile (Alliance against Racial Profiling), Rahel El Waawi (Education on Anti Racist Behaviour).

Project website

Critical news ticker
With the critical news ticker, we frame the coverage of Brian’s trial with an intersectional view and also say out loud what is not being said.

On Instagram, Brian himself is speaking out. He has a story to tell and no longer just wants to listen to others talk about him. Follow Brian!

“Carlos” is a racist, stereotypical character, invented by the media. They made millions with “news” surrounding him. Now Brian monetises the brand “Carlos” with products on a web shop. With this money, we try to buy the BLICK from the publishing house Ringier, so these racist campaigns will never happen again. The products are the result of a profound, media-critical and media analysis with the help of scientist Yuvviki Dioh.

Swiss Quality Torture – Performance installation
The UN is accusing the government of Zurich of Racism and the violation of human rights. The performance took this topic on public spaces in the Kanton of Zurich

Performer: By Brian Keller, Sabina Aeschlimann, Daniel Riniker, Ben Burger and tobibienz
Form: Various media (Internet, media, performance, theatre, conceptual and visual art)
Venues: Helmhaus Zurich, (Switzerland), Scheinwerfer an!; Theater Neumarkt Zurich, (Switzerland) #BigDreams vs. Reality; Kosmos Zurich (Switzerland), #BigDreams Series – Schwarz im Gefängnis; Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zurich (Switzerland), Swiss Quality Torture
Date: 2021 (ongoing)