Balkan Temple

What do you believe in? Ne Cka beson ti? U šta veruješ? Woran glaubst du?

3 Cities (Zurich, Belgrade, Pristina), 3 countries (Kosovo, Serbia, Switzerland), 40 artists, 10 weeks of travelling, 30 public events, 3 main performances

“The origin of the idea is the unfinished building of the Serbian Orthodox Church on the campus of the university in Pristina. Built during the last months of the Kosovo War, it is a memorial of the nationalist, mafia-style embargo of the society in the Balkans. A symbol for the power politics of Milošević and the forced migration of the Serbian minority in Pristina. What do we see when we look at these rocks? What do we believe in?” tobibienz

40 young artists from Serbia, Kosovo and Switzerland travel together for 10 weeks through the cities of Pristina, Belgrade and Zürich. “What do you believe in?” is the essential question of this project. Every artist answers the question in their individual way. Different intellectual approaches and tenets are scrutinised in 30 public events – 10 in every city.

At the end, there were three massive performances, each of them in one of the three cities. Every artist gave utterance of their individual involvement in a performance which lasted 6 hours. 40 works, 40 perspectives, 40 answers to the question: “What do you believe in?”

Project in numbers:
3 performances, 30 public events, 6500 visitors, 40 artists, 3 cities, 10 weeks, immense media echo

Hackershtellë – Art House
As a side project, an old house was renovated and has since then been used as an artistic home.

Official Website

Before After
Kosova Press

Title: Baushtellë: Balkan Temple
work by: the people of baushtellë (see detailed credits below)
founding & project lead: Rina Kika & tobibienz
Form: Social plastic, performance, 30 public events, 3 main performances
Duration: 10 weeks of travelling with artists, performance 6 hours
Venue: Rote Fabrik and Fraumünster Zurich (Switzerland), Kalemegdan (Belgrade, Serbia) and construction ruins of the unfinished church on Campus of University Pristina (Kosovo) /
Date: July – October 2015

Detailed Credits 
Scenography: Hana Bienz, Nicolò Krättli, Sokol Makolli / Light: Micha Bietenhader, Nico De Rooij, Outstanding Events, Tim Vermeulen, Curation: tobibienz / Project Management, Project Leader & Initiator; tobibienz / Co-Project Leaders: Arbër Salihu, Dragan Simeunovic, Rina Kika, Sandra Tomic, Sebastian Henn / PR: Anna Berger, Bojana Milašinovic, Rozafa Maliqi / Production Crew Zürich: Anna Berger / Visual Communication & Art Direction: Benjamin Burger / Graphic Design: Aneta Nurkollari, Nathalie Stirnimann/ Logo Design: Berin Hasi / Documentation: Anja Wurm, Christoph Oeschger, Ilir Hasanaj, Jann Erhards, Luis Panichelli, Majlinda Hoxha, Mariotopic, Michelle Limina, Samuel Weniger, Sava Radovanovic, Silvan Gisler, Siniša Dugonjic / Writers Fisnik Max- Huni, Jehonë Jahaj, Silvan Gisler, Niklaus Peter / Translation: Jelena Gall, Stefan Riederer / Performers: Ana-Maria Agora, Anna Hoffman, Art Luri, Dean Hunt, Dorent Dragusha, Dua Beqiri, Dunjatasic, Egzona Kurtishi, Elena Geci, Endrit Luri, Ermal Sadiku, Laura Palme, Luis Panichelli, Melisa Mustafa, Reina Kika,Team Of Driloni Bufe, Thea Rinderli, Vladimir Stanojevic / Other Humans Of Baushtellë: Afrim Osmani, Aida Jakob, Al- Ban Zeneli, Albert Osmani, Alicia English, Amar Havzigi, Ana Mijatovic, Andi Dragusha, Andrin Uetz, Anđela Stošic, Ardit Kika, Arion Banishta, Armend Nasufi, Arta Kika, Artea Bajri, Arvan Berisha, Aurela Deshishku, Auron Myftaraj, Bajram Salievic, Besart Mjeku, Bigna Righetti, Branka Stojkovic, Burbuqe Bakalli, Constance A. Dunn, Danilo Kneževic, Dijana Miloševic, Din Krasniqi, Dobrila Stevanic, Dren Suldashi, Dritëro Meh- Metaj, Đurđa Đukic, Ejup Pilashniku, Elirë Syla, Elisabeth Burkhead, Elza Hasani, Emin Gara, Enes Aliu, Erkan Zeqiri, Faton Haxhiu, Festa Hashani, Fidan Dërguti, Floralba Krapi, Franca Schaad, Genc Elezaj, Genc Hasanaj, Genc Salihu, Gent Thaci, Georgi Georgiev, Habib Sylejmani, Ivana Kvesic, Ivana Vraneš, Ivana Vukelic, Jelena Bogavac, Jelena Gall, Jovan Popovic, Julian Kuçi, Kaltrina Berisha, Katarina / Stoparic, Kathrin Anselm, Kristina Keljevic, Leona Zogiani, Liridon Hoxha, Lisa Pfister, Lotte Wilhelm, Luis Panichelli, Marc Singer, Marija Antonijevic, Marija Dimitrijevic, Marijana Miljko- Vic, Marko Dimitrijevic, Marko Radojkovic, Martin König , Merita Bakalli Salihu, Mi- Chael Ivanof, Milan Vukomanovic, Milena Milutinovic, Miloš Stolic, Mirsad Grashtica, Musa Hasanaj, Mehmet Behluli, Nadja Jovanovic, Nataša Glišovic, Nevena Kopanja, Niccolo Krättli, Nevena Kopanja, Nicolas Paul, Nikola B.,Nikola Zamurovic, Nikolina Jankovic, Nita Podrimja, Njomza Dragusha, Nol Berisha, Nure Resulbegu, Olivera Rakic, Ora Hasllani, Pablo Schumacher, Patrick Stähli, Philip Ortelli, Predrag Pilipo- Vic, Qazim Grashtica, René Weber, Renea Hasani, Rona Janjeva, Rrustem Haradinaj, Sasha Davydova, Shpat Shkodra, Sigi, Simon Krebs, Sihana Shalaj, Stephan Eberhard, Syrmije Cakuli, Svetlana Šarcevic, Teodora Nickovic, Timothy Rüthi, Vesa Mahmutaj, Vlatko Ilic, Xhevahire Vatoci, Yll Daklani, Venera Mustafa, Visar Geci, Vuk Maksimovic, and many other friends